A superior selection of out native little bluestem grass. Blue foliage, reddish fall colour, and a strong upright growth habit. Grows 40-48” tall, 12” wide. ATTRACTS BIRDS, LOW MAINTENANCE, DEER RESISTANT, XERISCAPING.
A STAND-OUT among little Bluestems for its iridescent, silvery mauve shades in midsummer. Pastel tones intensify in fall and bright purple highlights appear! Grows to 4 feet tall and 2 feet wide
Stunning variegated blades develop pink to purple tips turning a dark purple as season progresses!
Will not flatten in snow. Spikes bloom in late summer. Grows 2’ tall x 1’ wide. Great for containers!
🌞 and requires well drained soil.
Incredibly ornamental! Fall flowering. Remains attractive throughout winter. 3’ tall and wide. Xeriscaping. Full sun.. Deer resistant.
EVERGREEN varieties, makes fantastic container plants! Prefer filtered, morning or part sun, Deer resistant.
Reddish tints starts in early summer, intensify to ruby red for a brilliant fall display! 18” tall and wide, will mature to 3’ tall and wide in approximately 5 years. Requires well drained soil, deer and drought resistant.
Grows approximately 5’ tall and wide with narrow arching leaves. Feathery panicles open deep red in late summer and early autumn fading to silver and remain on plant through winter. Deer and drought resistant. Requires well drained soil.
One of the most popular ornamental grases worldwide! Highly valued for its erect, feathery flower plumes, moving gracefully even the slightest breeze. Full sun to part shade. Grows 6 feet tall and 2 feet wide. UNDEMANDING GROWING HABIT and does not self seed! Drought & deer resistant.
Miniture, (smallest of all the fountain grass varieties) and clump forming., 16-20” tall and 20-24” wide. Full sun to part shade lover, deer resistant. Pollinator friendly .
Striking, almost black blooms! Blooms are long lasting from July to September. Grows to 24-36” tall and wide. Deer resistant, prefers full sun and well drained soil.
Beautiful round, arching habit.
Beautiful early pink plumes for long season interest. Grows 3-4 feet tall and wide, full sun and well drained soil. DEER RESISTANT.
Dwarf fountain grass. Adds softness and movement to the garden, long light-pink plumes. Grows 18” tall x 12” wide. Xeriscaping/drought resistant. Deer resistant.
Superb new Miscanthus! Adored for its fountain forming habit. Attractive feathery maroon-red flowers from August to November. Grows approximately 30“ tall and 18” wide. Great for containers, neat and compact habit.
Blooms July to February! Grows approximately 5’ tall x 3’ wide. Full sun, well drained soil, deer and drought resistant.
Comes in so many varieties!
”All Gold”: Bright lime, solid colour on leaves.
”Aureola”: Golden, lime variegated leaves, purple tints in fall.
”BenI-Kaze”: Red and gold leaves, end of summer a blend of deep red, burnt orange and deep gold.
”Albo-Variegata”: White thin stripes on green leaves.
Japanese Forest Grasses brightens up any dark part of the garden! They add softness, gracefulness, flow, colour to any landscape. Requires shade/filtered sun or morning sun. Deer resistant, cut back in early spring. Grows approximately 18” tall and 24” wide.
Guaranteed dwarf pampas! Grows approximately 2’ tall! Award winning. Deer and rabbit resistant. Requires well drained soil. Long blooming, flowers up to 8 weeks long. Brilliant in containers!
Requires well drained soil and full sun (at least 6 hours). Grows approximately 8’ tall x6’ wide. Flowers early fall and will continue to flower through winter if winter is mild. Plumes make brilliant dried flowers! Annual pruning requires. Deer and rabbit resistant.