We carry a wide range of hummingbird magnets for you to choose from, here is a list of some of them (and a few with pictures and descriptions) as guidelines.
❤️Agastache ((hummingbird mint)
❤️Arbutus unedo
❤️Buddleia (Butterfly Bush)
❤️Nepeta (Catmint)
❤️Heuchera (Coral Bells)
❤️Daphne odora
❤️Delphiniums (Larkspur)
❤️Grevillea victoriae
❤️Jasmin nudiflorum (winter Jasmin)
❤️Monarda (bee balm)
❤️Phygellius (Cape Fuchsia)
❤️Kniphofia (Red Hot Poker)
❤️Star Jasmine Vine
❤️Trumpet vine (dwarf Jazz Fire)
❤️Witch Hazel - nectwr filled flowers in winter
A real magnet! Lots of different varieties available every year due to its outstanding qualities and popularity! DEER AND DROUGHT RESISTANT!.
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ by hummingbirds.
Weigela is a drought and deer resistant, easy to grow, deciduous shrub. Different varieties and sizes. Flowers are usually bright pink or fiery red trumpet flowers, but this year we also have a unique peach colour (“Peach Kisses”) available.
Please see “ Perennials”:for more information on this elegant beauty.
Bloomerang series, blooms in spring, summer and fall! Low maintenance! Said to be deer resistant, not sure.
Bright, firery, red-orange flowers grow on compact plant. Grows approximately 6-8’ tall and wide. Flowers late spring to early fall.
Loved by bees and hummingbirds! New red variety this year!
Sarcococca (Sweet Box) are compact, EVERGREEN shrubs, with sweetly scented, white flowers in the winter. A wonderful source of nectar for hummers!
Hummingbirds find the flowers on hostas irresistible!
Heuchera varieties are known for their colourful leaves, bring colour to containers and more shaded areas ofthe garden. But it is their insignificant flowers that is simply adored by hummers.
Flowering late fall and ADORED by hummingbirds. Flaky bark, red stems, edible fruit, evergreen….not loved by deer!
Hardy and a brilliant source of nectar for the hummers in the WINTER! Grevillea is native to Australia, drought resistant & evergreen!
Drought and deer resistant, extremely showy flowers and a hummingbird and butterfly magnet!
When most perennials get tired, this tropical (hardy) hibiscus shines! A nice late addition of nectar for the hummers. Cold hardy with MASSIVE FLOWERS!!.
Flowering currant! Medium-sized bushy deciduous shrub noted for its abundant showy flowers and fall berries. Early to mid spring, drooping clusters of 10-30 small pink to deep red flower appear. They literally smother the shrub and create a brilliant flowers display. The blue-black berries are suitable for jam, jellies, pie, juice or syrup. Shades of yellow and red in fall! Grows to 10 feet tall and wide. Full sun to part shade. DROUGHT TOLERANT and DEER RESISTANT.