True blue star flowers, forming an electric blue carpet from late spring through out summer! EVERGREEN with trailing stems. Full sun to part shade, asking for well drained soil. Reaches 1 foot tall and spread 3’. DEER RESISTANT.
Uses: rock/Alpine gardens, border edging, slopes, general use, ground cover and container planting, erosion control and CASCADING OVER RETAINING WALLS.
Low growing, and adorned with delicate pale purple flowers from late spring into late summer and early fall. A SUBSTITUTE FOR TURF GRASS, very dense and from a low mat. Drought tolerant! Spreads quickly through runners to blanket sunny or bright dappled shade areas. Plant 12-18 “ apart for quick coverage. Can can easily be CONTIANED with deep barriers (1 foot deep) and walls. Toxic.
Blooms profusely in early summer, with a blanket of notched pristine white flowers on delicate woolly, silvery leaves. Snow-in-the-summer spreads quickly by reseeding and by producing runners in favourable conditions. To avoid spreading, trimming can easily be done with a lawnmower set on high, or shearing flower stems off before seeds drop. An excellent ground cover for dry, sunny areas. DEER RESISTANT. Grows 1 foot tall and 2 feet wide.
Delicate looking but tough! FLOWERS from APRIL to OCTOBER! Rose pink flowers or white with red veins. Asking for full sun to light shade, and well drained soil. Tolerates light foot traffic. Grows to 2-3 inches tall spreading 6 inches. Semi-evergreen.
Vigorous and eye-catching! Forms a splendid mat of colour from early spring to early summer! Flowers are fragrant loaded with nectar! Loved by hummingbirds, bees and butterflies. Flowers are edible. Grows 4-9” tall and spread 2 feet. Deer and drought resistant. Brilliant on slopes, garden edging, ground cover, alpine and rock gardens, and containers.
Needs no introduction! Here is a few of the varieties we’ll be growing this year:
”Dark Beauty”: Darkest flowering Calluna (Summer Heather), semi-double, dark cerise flowers deepening to RUBY RED! Flowers summer to fall. 8” tall and 14” wide. Award winning.
“Fire Fly”: Award winning! One of the most colourful and attractive heathers. Semi-double, deep mauve flowers from August to September on bright lime foliage. Foliage changes into brilliant shades of orange and red late fall, and by early winter it is a spectacular BRICK-RED colour!
So many colours and varieties! Excellent for growing in rock gardens, hot sunny beds, banks and slopes. Deer and rabbit resistant. Shear plants after flowering to shape and promote new growth.
A superb low-growing groundcover for woodland and shady areas. Whimsy “fairy” flowers in spring. Lots of different varieties to choose from. Deer and drought resistant.
Sedums make excellent groundrovers in hot, dry beds where others might struggle. Thrives in full sun but can also tolerate and do well in light shade. Generally deer resistant. Flowers are magnets for pollinators!
A robust evergreen, grows 9-12” tall and spread 4-6’. Makes an excellent groundcover with year-round interest. Drought resistant once established. White flowers in late spring, followed by brilliant red berries that persist through winter. Easy to grow! Deer resistant.
Great groundcover for xeriscaping! Hardy low growing evergreens that forms a dense mat, suppressing weeds. Deer resistant. Requires well drained soil, thrives in full sun or part shade.
White, pink, and purple (red) flowering varieties available. Fragrant, deer resistant, requires full sun and well drained soil. Ideal choice for xeriscape/low water application! Makes an excellent, low-maintenance alternative to traditional turf grass.